Dr. Taj Campaign gets a monetary boost from its supporters, raises more than any Democrat in last 10 years

in Novi, Blog

Dr. Taj inaugurated his new campaign office in Novi on January 15th, 2012 with a great fanfare. Supporters from all part of Michigan came out in huge numbers to meet Dr. Taj and to wish him continued success. And,what a success Dr. Taj has experienced so far! With just a few weeks into his campaign Dr. Taj has won the hearts of hundreds of voters of the 11th District.Top on Dr. Taj plans is to create jobs and protect Social Security,Medicare for all. Voters believe in his ideology and his plan to bring change in the way Washington politics works. As a physician Dr.Taj has the perfect prescription to all the ailments rooted in the present political system. Showing faith in Dr.Taj the voters of the 11th District have also opened their wallets to his campaign.In a record time his campaign has accumulated close to $140,000- a feat not achieved by any Democrats before him. www.mibihar.com urges its readers to reach out to Dr.Taj's Campaign and donate generously. Your donations will provide the much needed fuel to keep the momentum of this campaign going!
To donate visit http://www.tajforcongress.com

In the Photograph: Dr. Taj with mibihar.com creators Saurabh and Rachna Kumar at the grand opening of his new office in Novi on January 15th, 2012 Courtesy: EWL News

Message from Dr. Taj:
I can't believe how quickly time has passed. It was just three months ago that I announced my campaign for Congress. In that time we have been very busy raising money and talking to voters across the new 11th District.
That's why I'm excited to announce that our campaign for the 11th district has raised more money than any Democrat, this decade, for the first quarter. In under eight weeks with your support we were able to raise just shy of $140,000.
This is just the beginning. We need to continue growing our resources every day in order to get our message out. Please help us with our fundraising goal by donating $10, $25 or $100 today so we can win Michigan's 11th District this November 6, 2012.

Thank you for all the trust you have placed in me over the past three months. I know, with your help, we can change the way Washington works!

Dr. Syed Taj
Candidate for Congress
Michigan's 11th District

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